We speak Arabic

Our accompanying guides are from Spain and have a good command of the Arabic language. Not only will they be able to give you all the information you may need about the city you visit, but also they will act as translators with shop assistants, waiters, receptionists… When you travel with a personal guide, you will be able to choose the schedule in which you want to make your visit and the fields that you find more interesting, so the guide can focus his explanations on it.

Make the most of your time

Our local guides work for your safety and comfort. When you hire this service you will avoid the needless time wasting that happens while traveling by oneself, for example when you get lost or when you are incapable of communicating with locals.Moreover, you will avoid the dangerous areas of the city and the places where pickpockets act, as well as you will avoid falling victim to tricks in shops and restaurants that want to take advantage of your lack of awareness. In addition to that, you will have the privilege to visit typically Spanish places to which you would not be able to reach if you were not accompanied by a local.



Halal food

Our local guides will point you where to find mosques and restaurants with Halal certificate, so you can enjoy your stay in Spain without compromising your Muslim beliefs.Finally, you will have the privilege to visit typically Spanish places to which you would not be able to reach if you were not accompanied by a local.
Book now and enjoy this exclusive service at the most competitive price: only €150. ”

This service includes:


Flexible schedule

The duration of the service is 7 hours. You choose the schedule in which to make your visit. The cost of every additional hour is €15.

Accompanying guide

Arabic speaking Spanish accompanying guide with wide experience.

This service does not include:

Tickets to monuments and other tourist attractions.
Food and beverages.